Customizable Payment Option

You have been gifted an opportunity to join us at a Family + Friends Discount. We can't wait to serve you! 

We hope and pray your savings will become an opportunity for you to pay it forward to someone else to find hope and healing someday because you have benefited and been blessed in some way.  

Please be sure to fill out all parts of the requested information on this page:

  • Name Your Price (insert the payment amount agreed upon between you and Trish privately. If you are uncertain, please contact us at [email protected])
  • Indicate what event/course/service/product you are paying for specifically.
  • Be sure to subscribe to our email list as most of our services require doing so to receive them.
  • Be sure to read all terms and conditions of our services, events, courses, memberships, and donation based opportunities that you are participating in and paying for.

We Pray Blessings Abound for You and Your Loved Ones -

❤️‍🩹  Wild Haven & Co. Family ❤️ 

If you are unable to donate/pay at this time, please fill out the form below to proceed

**With your purchase, you are agreeing to the details, disclaimers, waivers on the offer you are paying for that you listed above & those listed below.

Commitments (time, energy, participation, attendance)

Agreements with WH&C Mission, Vision, Promises, Values Assessment + Alignment

Feedback that is respectful and helpful to growing and stretching us to be better and provide optimal services and products.

Membership and Ambassador Representative Agreements

Payments/Money Back Guarantee 


Disclaimers, Waivers, & Liabilities:

We are NOT a substitute for your medical healthcare team.

The information on this website, given during our 1:1 and group coaching sessions, or movement practices, are for general informational purposes only. Wild Haven & Co. makes no representation or warranty, express or implied. Your use of the site and participation in activities and events is solely at your own risk.

By filling out and registering with your full name and email information to receive modules and/or to attend live, in-person, online, and/or recorded sessions, is your electronic agreement to our agreements, disclaimers and liability waivers for such services/products that you are choosing to voluntarily participate in and pay for. 


Please read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up for and participating in this event/program you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries you might sustain out of this event/program, 

(Acknowledgement of risk of Injury clause) *As a participant in the event/program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, including death, damages or loss which I may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with such an event/program." 

(Release from Liability clause) "I do hereby fully release and discharge Wild Haven & Co (WH&C), its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damages or loss which I may have or which may accrue to me on account of my participation in the event/program. 

(Waiver of Claim for Injury Clause) *I agree to waive and relinquish all claims I may have as a result of participating in the event/program against Wild Haven & Co. (WH&C), its officers, agents, servants and employees." 

(Indemnity and Defense clause) "I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend Wild Haven & Co. (WH&C), its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages and losses sustained by me and arising out of, or connected with or in any way associated with activities of the event/program." 

I hereby consent as a participant in events with WH&C and agree to assume all of the risks involved. 

I release WH&C from any known or unknown injury, accident, or hazard, previously, during, or after participation in an event, training or related activities; and that I cannot hold WH&C nor event venue owner, WH&C affiliate, personnel, or host, personally responsible for any liability. 

I hereby affirm myself to be in physical condition to participate in activities with no medical condition or injury preventing me from participating. 

I declare that I have disclosed all medical issues to my healthcare team and/or their affiliates relevant to participation and have been cleared by my physician(s) to participate in these activities. 

I recognize that any form of physical activity has a potential risk of injury. I hereby affirm that I am voluntarily participating in activities with WH&C with the knowledge of the risk involved. I assume and accept all risks of injury and hazards.

 **Video and Photography Disclaimer: It is our first priority to protect the sacred experiences at WH&C. However, in the attempt of capturing the beauty of what takes place within WH&C, we sometimes take, or ask for, video and photographs. We sometimes share these captured moments. Though greatly appreciated, but not required, WH&C requests your permission to use and publish the same in print and/or electronically.

I agree that WH&C may use such photographs/videos of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as illustration or promotional materials. 

I consent to abide by all venue rules and state of North/South Carolina laws as well as Federal laws of the United States of America.

I have read and fully understand the above Program Details and Waive and Release All Claims.

(By submitting your information when you register signifies that you have read and agree to terms and conditions above)